
Plea deal in Hunter Valley bus crash sees 35 charges dropped

The high-profile case surrounding Brett Button, the driver behind the wheel of the fatal Hunter Valley bus crash last year, has made headlines once again this month as 35 charges were withdrawn and dismissed. On June 11th, 2023, a coach carrying 35 passengers returning to Singleton from a…

Appealing a License Suspension in NSW: Know Your Rights and Time Limits

Are you facing a license suspension? Understanding your appeal rights and time-frames is crucial. Time is of the Essence: Police suspension: You have 28 days from the day you receive the police suspension to appeal. TfNSW suspension: You have 28 days from receiving the suspension notice to appeal.…
Police on watch for driving offences, driver needs a traffic offence lawyer

Facing a Drink Driving Charge? The Two-Hour Rule Explained

Being accused of drink driving is serious. Acting fast and seeking advice from a traffic lawyer can mean the difference between a fine, losing your license, or even gaol time. One legal strategy your lawyer might explore is the “two-hour rule.” What is the two-hour rule? The law…
Child Custody Lawyers Newcastle

Navigating Separation: Parenting Plans and Protecting Your Family

Separation and divorce can be emotionally charged, especially when children are involved. Even the best intentions can clash when emotions are high and finances are strained. If you and your former partner can agree on parenting arrangements, a Parenting Plan can be a valuable first step. But before…
Police on watch for driving offences, driver needs a traffic offence lawyer

Drink driving charges and how to defend them

A drink driving charge can be life-altering, impacting your job, finances, and relationships. Losing your license alone can create a domino effect, leading to stress and hardship. But before pleading guilty, know that several defenses might be available in your case. Disclaimer: The defences described in this article…
Separation Lawyers in Newcastle

Navigating Divorce in Australia: A Guide to Separation and Dissolution

Ending a marriage in Australia involves the legal process of dissolution, achieved through an application to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. While divorce solely addresses the formal end of the marriage, it doesn’t handle related matters like finances, property division, or child arrangements. These require separate agreements…
Couple needing a divorce lawyer in Newcastle

Parenting plans: what happens when you can’t agree?

Separating from a partner, especially when there are children involved, can be emotionally overwhelming. Questions about living arrangements, time spent with each parent, responsibilities, and navigating relationships with extended family often arise amidst the uncertainty. Reaching an Agreement: Our goal is to help you and your former partner…
Police on watch for driving offences, driver needs a traffic offence lawyer

Challenging a Drink Driving Charge: The Home Safe Rule Explained

Being charged with drink driving can be stressful, and you might hear pleading guilty is the easiest option. While that can be true in some cases, depending on your blood alcohol content, driving history, and arrest circumstances, exploring other options with a lawyer is crucial. One potential defence…